EWVA European Women's Video Art
Key Works
Nuit Blanche (1983)
10m 48s
With Pierre Lobstein.
This work has been shown as a single screen and as an 4 source installation on 25 monitors. Produced in conjunction with Pierre Lobstein the piece describes the first electric encounter of two people - eyes that do not dare to meet, with hopes, fears and dreams encrusted in every movement. The intensity of the piece builds with the sound of unseen footsteps and screams and the hard stares of eyes from the screen.
Norma or Gene (1979)
9m 23s
With Suzanne Nessim.
In the near future, Citizen Phoenix Kundalini visits the GCC - "Genetic Control Center" - to order her first child. She is asked a number of questions about herself and what she desires the child to be like. This is a cold vision about the consequences and possibilities of genetic manipulation.
VOL (1981)
'Vol' translated to French means both theft and flight.
This video is a collage of TV advertisements with excessively happy housewives and extremely stereotypical children mixed with images from
the second launch of the NASA space shuttle Columbia. Two modern forms of communication are represented through a third one - the television.
©2019 European Women's Video Art